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7. Writing proposals for sustainable uses
The final objective of the ECOMARG projects is to provide realistic scientific advice regarding the status of the ecosystems under exploitation, taking into account a responsible use of resources. This means taking into consideration the principles adopted by FAO in 2002, in the Reykjavik declaration, and which in summary imply that fisheries management must contemplate:

  • Incorporate ecosystem considerations
  • Take into account the impacts of fisheries on the marine ecosystem
  • Take into account the impact of the marine ecosystem on fisheries
  • Contribute to the effective conservation of the ecosystem and its resources

The failure to consider these simple principles during decades has led a considerable number of fisheries to an appalling state, with very bad consequences both for the marine ecosystem and for the economy of coastal populations. The ECOMARG projects attempt, by studying and identifying:

  • The role of habitat
  • The structure, components and functioning of the marine ecosystem
  • Species interactions and predator-prey relationships
  • The relevant biological, physical and oceanographic factors

In combination with the available information from the systematic monitoring of natural variability, ecosystem productivity and data from the fisheries (landings, by-catch and discards); to propose management measures directed to the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs), limitations on effort (in those cases in which it surpasses the ecosystem´s production capacities) and/or changes in the exploitation strategies (more in accordance with the real possibilities of each ecosystem).

Sustainable development
Sustainable development

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(c) 2005. ECOMARG Project